
We saw a phrase the other day: “You are not working from home. You are at home during a pandemic, trying to work.”

Our homes became more than just shelter during the pandemic these last few months, with many of us occupying them as parents, teachers, employees, and childcare providers.

a girl plays outside while her parents work from home during the pandemic

Trying to work from home is a feat of its own, but piling on the responsibility of children too? You’re taking on a big challenge.

We pulled together some ideas to make your work day just a little bit easier. Take these tips, see what sticks, and get ready for a productive day!

Alternate with a family member

Having kids at home means constant responsibility. If you’re able to tag team with your partner, an older child (for a short time), or a parent, do it. Come up with a plan or acknowledge a pass-off of child responsibilities throughout the day (hand signal? bat signal?), so you're free and clear of kid-watch when it's not your turn. 

Be the early bird

Set your alarm for earlier than usual and use that time to complete work tasks that require undivided attention. Save checking email for later in the morning - this time is best spent on an actual project. Even a half hour will start your day with progress and put some gas in your productivity tank.

Decide if a schedule will work for you

Not everyone is a planner, but with several schedules to manage, it might lighten the load to set up a few concrete plans each day. Lunch, outside time, and reading time are some To Dos that could happen regularly. Having a schedule might also keep your kid’s antsiness at bay.

Give the kids some attention

As early in the day as you can, give your kids some You Time. They won’t need much, but competing with your workload throughout the day means a little quality time early on can put some fuel in their gas tank. The longer you wait, the needier they’ll be.

Pack lunches

Channel your inner school kid and prepare food ahead of time. Have lunches made (for the kids AND you), and even set up easy snacks, before the workday begins. Preempt the “there’s nothing to eat” argument by creating snack bags, ready to grab and eat.

Phone a friend

Many of us aren’t splitting our childcare with a live-in partner, so all responsibilities fall on our shoulders. It can get exhausting to carry the load without a break, so why not recruit the help of your support network – call up a friend or relative. Have grandma supervise puzzle doing via FaceTime, or ask a friend to play a quiz game with your kids for 20 min while you take a call.

In a global pandemic, we’re all on the same team. Working from home looks a little different for each person, but understanding better ways to manage your time and responsibilities is crucial to getting anything done.

Posted: 7/23/2020 4:15:40 PM by Amanda Wahl | with 0 comments